My Resume - What makes me Tick

Do you really want to know what makes me tick? Well, the below resume is the educational influence of how I am the way that I am but… what you will not find on my resume is why I am the way I am … I am a clock builder.

Let me explain, my father is an engineer and those who have interacted with any engineer should be familiar with the paper and pen that is always within their reach.  My father was no different and always had to treat any question as a learning opportunity.  It was not enough to have a straight answer, no, the context was necessary to understand why the answer was what it was.  One had to understand more than how it broke, it was important to understand why it broke.  He would always draw out elaborate diagrams during his explanation to reinforce the why.

My dad taught me how to do things and my mom taught me how to interact with people.

I am hardwired with old-school work ethics that are hard to find in today’s workforce.

So, the family joke is not to ask me or my father what time it is because we will explain to you how to build the clock.

Thank you for taking the time to read this.

 Mark D. Hudson